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They say that time spent flying isn't deducted from your lifespan ...if that's true then I have built up a measly 1000 hours over the last ten years. Still that's 5 years working time. Doesn't matter...as soon as the wheels leave the tarmac I'm happy. No worries...no dysfunction...Simple really. Click on images to enlarge them. Comments are welcome!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Two Thousand and Hamsa...

I was told last week that 2005 is going to be a lucky year because 5 (Hamsa) in ancient lore represents the hand. The hand that guards us from the evil eye. The evil eye isn't really 'evil' apparently but means the gaze of someone who is envious and looks for too long. In some cultures it is the vulva being guarded as in the source of life? Hamsa is said to protect my sperm and young fruit trees as well! Gives a whole new spin on "Talk to the Hand".

I saw this photo and had to put a few things together with it....but the whole time my thoughts were about luck. Do you feel lucky now? Is it going to be a good year? I'm 45 does that mean I get double luck until August? A friends birthdays is on November 5 and thats the first thing she said. So do you have to know about the charm for it to be working for you ... or will the whole world have better luck this year. Well I'm not taking any chances ...so have good Hamsa now that you know!


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